I came to Utah for many reasons, though my first thoughts about day trading were anything but good. They were spurred on by the father of a soon-to-be business partner, Kevin Jones.

It was 2008, and the markets were not good either. No one wanted to be in the markets the way they were that year. But Jones’ dad, Kevin Jones Sr., was pretty persuasive. He spoke about the profits that were coming in. He even showed me the statements of the money he’d made, but I still wasn’t interested.
I was trying to run a cell phone business, and so I ignored him for a while.
But frankly, my friend’s dad kept showing up. Kevin Jones had already jumped on the day trading boat, and I figured, why not? “Okay, show me what you got?” I finally offered.
The shifting began.
I soon realized I could make a profit in an up market as well as in a down market.
Matthew Poll
My friend and I were sailing along, and while we enjoyed creating tools around coaching and trading my family wasn’t on board.
“Are you doing okay?” they’d ask. They were worried. Was our success somehow tied to the real estate market crash of 2008?
Making it to Utah
When Kevin Jones and I finally made it to Utah, we were ready to take on the day trading catamaran. Unfortunately, California folks were still sailing along, and the supply of really good talent, and really great partners; people that had the same mindset and goals as we did to grow and to help other people succeed was frankly limited per capita. We knew Utah to be a business-friendly state. And we knew we could find the talent and partners in Utah that we needed to grow our business.
We knew that the people in Utah were more entrepreneurial, there were more like-minded folks looking for ways to earn money on their own, and there were more people who wanted to be in charge of their financial future. Not that Utah was the only state where we felt this was prevalent, but Utah was definitely on top of the list of places to move as compared to where I was in California.
And of course, we both liked the great outdoors, so we figured we were getting more than just a great business opportunity when it came to all of the pluses already mentioned.
We were right. This is a great state to work in and we plan to keep it that way.