
Content about Philanthropy from individuals in the day trading industry that want to give back and help others in need, both charities and people.

What is Matt Poll’s Day Trading for Good?

There’s been a lot of discussion about Matt Poll Day Trading. What it is and what it can do for you and your life. There has also been some talk about what is called, Day Trading for Good.

Every quarter Day Trading for Good, a program within the Matt Poll Day Trading business, makes a difference in the community and on the planet. A nonprofit is chosen and a substantial amount of money is donated.

“Anyone who comes in as a trial, the dollar amount they pay for the trial, (a $10-month trial) is all it takes to get started in day trading with Matt Poll.

“Every [trial] dollar goes directly to [the] organization chosen.” Funds ranging from $5,000 to 8K, have made it from your pocket to folks around the world who have needed a helping hand.

This quarter, the help went to Hearts and Hands for Humanity, a nonprofit business that assists Africa with freshwater wells in villages where there are none. “People are dying,” says Poll. Hearts and Hands is “drilling for $5 – $10,000 per well. It’s having a massive impact in the community.”

Click here to help Hearts and Hands for Humanity.

“We’re doing this thing, we’re making a difference for the people [there], and we want to start giving back to the community.”

What matters?

That’s the question we asked ourselves, and the answers have continued to come. “We live in a different time. We live in a world where you’re more responsible for your finances than ever before. You’ve heard about this day trading thing – good, come test what we’re doing and the small dollar amount that we’re going to ask from you – see if day trading is right for you.”

“Why don’t you come test what we’re doing?

Do some good.