Matthew Poll Day Trading, speaks of getting in the game of day trading like a well-oiled machine. It isn’t just about the mechanics of trading – knowing who, when, or where to put your next hard-earned dollar, it’s about where you are when you shell it out.
Consider yourself in a game of football. If you are one of the players, you are in the game of football. If you’re in the stands, a referee, the coach, a player assistant, or watching the game from your favorite big screen at home, Poll suggests that you’re “not playing in the game” at all.
What are you doing then? You’re cheering, aren’t you? You’re giving direction to a team player, aren’t you? You’re assisting as needed, aren’t you?
Matthew Poll
“What if you thought you were in the game and I was to tell you that you were not?” states Poll, in his YouTube video, “Are You in the Game”?
“In the game of life, we can… think we’re in the game when we’re not. We can think we’re playing, when, in actuality, we’re only talking about changing areas of our life or ignoring our life altogether. Fear may stand in the way of living life in the field where the game is actually being played.
Consider relationships, money, health, and spiritual well-being. In all of these areas, “winning and losing occurs” because some risk has been taken to play in the game. It isn’t easy to share your heart with someone you are struggling with. It isn’t simple to balance your money, deal with debt, consider your health – what you eat, how you exercise, how you sleep. It isn’t easy to find peace amidst the world’s turmoil. But, like football,
The masters of the game, play it as often as they can. Failure means something radically different to them. [They] look forward to failure because to be In the Game is more powerful than to be a spectator from the stands.
Matthew Poll